Let’s talk!
Medium asks me to #tellmystory. That's exactly what I intend to do today.
Have you too been so unstable and clueless about the most absurd things that it makes you want to run in 10 different directions? These thoughts and emptiness feels nested in me for a while.
Just the other day, somebody told me that I was like a bag of wind. Swaying in all directions. All my life, I’ve been a very instinctive and bubbly soul. Made decisions at the spur of the moment. Yes, I do not have my next 5 years planned. Tried different dishes, surfed different cafes, learned different things just to be sure of what I connected with the most.
One drawback in not knowing you ask? I left a lot of those things incomplete because something else grabbed my attention. The only constant thing? My people and willingness to document things.
Empathy and storytelling came in handy. Well, guess what! i even choose my career with stories and people written all over it. We even have multiple books on this matter. One even has the title itself dedicated to it. “All marketers tell stories” by Seth Godin. You should definitely give it a read.
Is my journey any less endearing if I do not have a lot of people in my industry connected to me? Does it make me any less of a writer if I do not remember the names of any of the authors? (I definitely remember their…